
入会仪式是一个人被视为一个团体的正式成员所期望的活动. 许多团体, from executive boards to tribal societies, have recognized the need to initiate new members. 入会活动可能包括学习该团体的历史和原则, 从事娱乐活动, team-building or community-building games, or overcoming some physical challenge that requires skill or maturity. 成年长老通常使用从多年经验中收集的特定方法来指导入会仪式实现特定目标, 洞察力, 和智慧. 提升者, 然而, do not know what is happening to them or what it means; their knowledge and comprehension comes gradually.

我们的文化, 然而, 青少年参与成人引导的入会仪式或成人仪式的机会相对较少,随后成年人学习为青少年组织有意义的入会仪式的机会也较少吗. As a result of the 1999 study, a group of university coaches was asked to offer their athletes two positive, team-building activities. They found it more difficult than they anticipated. One commented, "We agreed to do two initiation activities for each team. 我们想知道我们是否有足够的时间(在实践之外做那些活动), but we were not prepared for how hard it would be to create meaningful, 引人入胜的, 有效的提升. No wonder kids get into trouble 当 they try (to devise initiation activities). 这真的很难." To create successful community-building activities appears to be simple, but they require competence, 实践与经验.

青少年盲目地努力被接受,为了归属感,他们往往愿意“做任何事”, including binge drinking, 性侵犯, and other forms of hazing. If society does not provide initiation, adolescents will attempt to do it on their own, often to the detriment of everyone involved, as well as the group as a whole.

Without the wisdom of experience, young people use humiliation, 滥用, and endangerment to produce a story, 一个秘密, a heightened common experience that creates the sense of bonding that they seek. Yet hazing is more destructive to human relationships than constructive, because it relies on 药物滥用 and other behaviors that are self-destructive, 社会的进攻, 隔离, 不合作的, 咄咄逼人的, 伤害, or disruptive at the expense of civility, 完整性, 尊重, 责任, 合作, 和同情. 欺侮的社会和个人代价超过了结果——这是不必要的. 我们可以学会以社会和个人建设性的方式相互联系和挑战.

Many people ask, "But isn't some hazing good? Kids will be kids, isn't some of this just horsing around? Doesn't hazing help people from becoming too proud?" Some of it may be; 然而, 大多数情况下(56%)遭受羞辱性欺侮的人也会滥用药物, 潜在的非法, 或其他危险行为. 羞辱性欺侮行为是一个明确的警告信号,表明可能存在更严重的欺侮行为.

被欺侮 is hazing, regardless of one's willingness to participate. 期望某人为了被群体接受而做某事与自己选择的行为是不同的. 例如, 被告知什么, 当, and where to get a tattoo is different than deciding on one's own to get a tattoo. The urge to belong and prove one's self is so strong among adolescents, that they will submit to unreasonable and even illegal demands imposed by others.

Based on the findings of this study, several areas of concern arose:

  1. Students often felt adults condone hazing. 如果学生认识被欺负过的成年人,他们明显更倾向于参与欺凌活动, and they felt hazing was socially acceptable, an attitude they most likely acquire from the adults with whom they interact. Students' reasons for participating in hazing included thinking, "Adults made me feel there was no choice.学生们经常说,他们不会举报欺侮,因为“没有人可以告诉”或“成年人不知道如何处理”.“学生对成人态度的认知,无论准确与否,都会极大地影响他们的行为. It is still our 责任 as a community to keep our high school youth safe. We need to send them clear messages-hazing is not safe, acceptable, or necessary. We also need to provide leadership, offer examples of how we respond to events going on around them, and pay attention to the world that young people find themselves in.
  2. Students often do not see hazing as a problem. 参与药物滥用和非法行为的学生中,只有一半的人认为他们的行为是欺侮. 尽管许多被欺凌的学生报告了欺凌的负面后果(71%)和负面情绪(73%), 60 percent also reported positive feelings. The second most common reason students would not report hazing is the "It's not a problem; sometimes accidents happen." Students are not aware of anti-hazing laws. 鼓励, 然而, 98%的人认为危险的欺侮是不好的,86%的人认为羞辱性的欺侮是不好的. 这表明,关于欺侮及其危险的教育可能是有效的.
  3. Religious institutions face high levels of hazing themselves. The level of hazing for church groups was surprising. 不仅有四分之一属于教会团体的学生报告参与了欺侮行为, 他们比其他组的学生更容易参与危险的欺侮活动, 除了帮派, fraternities and cheerleaders. At the same time they were involved in more positive initiation activities as well. 这很麻烦, since our strategies to prevent hazing are to provide alternative, positive initiation and strong messages about the dangers of humiliation, 药物滥用, 和暴力. 需要对美国教会团体中欺侮的原因和动态进行更多的研究.
  4. Students often see hazing as "fun and exciting." 学生们给出的参与欺凌的主要原因是“有趣又刺激”." America is obsessed with fun. Being fun is a primary justification for doing just about anything. Fun equates with being worth it. 庞大的娱乐产业直接向我们的年轻人推销暴力,称其为“乐趣”." The Christian Science Monitor (July 21, 2000) reported that the $8.就国内收入而言,电子游戏产业现在已经超过了电影产业. 他们指出:“发表在《在线赌博》4月刊上的一项研究发现,玩暴力电子游戏与攻击性行为和犯罪行为有关. 它还表明,游戏可能比暴力电视节目或电影对青少年的危害更大, because players identify with the aggressor, actively participate in the violence, and become seemingly addicted to the games." 被欺侮, particularly dangerous hazing, includes 咄咄逼人的 behaviors. 作为一个社会,我们投入了数十亿美元,打着“好玩”的标签,向年轻人兜售无痛的暴力体验." Our youth gain a highly cultivated repertoire of violence in the process.
  5. 被欺侮 begins young and can continue throughout life. Many students are exposed to hazing at a young age. 6%的学生和四分之一的学生认为他们在高中时被欺负(24%).3%) indicated they were hazed before they were teenagers. 近一半的人报告说在高中时遭受过某种形式的欺侮活动,近三分之一的人报告说在高中时遭受过潜在的非法欺侮活动. 尽管羞辱和药物滥用从高中到大学运动员急剧增加, 危险的欺侮行为在大学之前就已经存在了:22%的高中生报告有过这些行为,而在大学运动员中,这一比例为21%. 这种基本水平的危险欺侮与大学里明显升高的药物滥用欺侮相遇,形成了一种致命的组合.
  6. 和年轻人一起工作的成年人应该记住,被欺负的经历会伴随学生的一生. 在任何有组织的高中团体中,超过一半的学生可能在他们的生活中经历过某些团体的欺侮(50-72%),三分之一或更多的学生被期望为了成为团体的一员而犯下潜在的非法行为(30-50%)。. These experience shape students' attitudes and expectations about groups.